DOWNS Memorial UMC

Our Vision

As the Church of Jesus Christ, we are committed to becoming and being a healthy and thriving place of transformation and possibility; where we equip, and excite people for the work of holistic ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

Our Mission

We are called to God to develop and nurture Christian disciples; to address the continuing spiritual needs of members; and to create an environment that supports Christian fellowship and community outreach.


Our History

Downs Memorial United Methodist Church was first established as Golden Gate Methodist Episcopal Church in 1890. The church was located at 57th and Gaskill Streets in Oakland, CA. In 1916, the church moved to San Pablo and 56th Streets. The present site was purchased in 1924 and the church was completed in 1925. Fuller Hall was added in 1940. Golden Gate Methodist Episcopal Church closed in 1946, but reopened in 1948 to accommodate the large numbers of African-American men and women who returned to the East Bay after WWII.

In 1948, the church was renamed Downs Memorial Methodist Church in honor of Reverend Dr. Karl Downs.  Downs, a promising, young Methodist Minister who made headlines for his advocacy regarding racial equality and community organizing, served as the president of Samuel Huston College (which later merged with Tillotson College to become Huston-Tillotson University) in Austin, Texas. In 1968, the church was renamed Downs Memorial United Methodist Church upon the organization of The United Methodist Church. True to the legacy of its namesake, Downs Memorial United Methodist Church remains in service and ministry to the Bay Area as a spiritual home for many – advocating for human rights and a more just society.